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This Weeks Walks


Walk Requests

Please remember, the walk posters are unpaid volunteers. They do their best to arrange with each other a wide mix of walks. Most of them like feedback, suggestions, and to be appreciated (= buy them a drink once in a while).

If you'd like a particular walk posted, you could reach out to you favourite walk poster, or ask for a "Blogger" invite so you can post it yourself (say, if you want to post a regular early-and-long or short-and-late walk).

Or, leave your request in a comment below.


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MoonBrain said...

If possible, I'd like to request a Seven Sisters walk for either Sun 26 July or Sun 2 Aug.
Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Something not too far from London for next Sunday, if walks for that date are not yet decided. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Another request to make the most of the longer Summer days (why not)? So, along with the Cotswolds, some other ideas are Isle of Wight day walk, Salisbury to Stonehenge, New Forest and Bournemouth area. Also, perhaps the possibility of overnight stays? Sylvia

Anonymous said...

We've had some great overnight trips in the past to places in Devon and Dorset in the summer months. How about doing another one in mid August to somewhere on the coast again, eg around Dartmouth, or around Weymouth as a new area to explore? We could always go back to Swanage, or Lulworth! Sylvia C (I'm in agreement with other Sylvia who posted the previous post!)

sylvia said...

We've had some great overnight trips in the past to places in Devon and Dorset in the summer months. How about doing another one in mid August to somewhere on the coast again, eg around Dartmouth, or around Weymouth as a new area to explore? We could always go back to Swanage, or Lulworth! Sylvia C (I'm in agreement with other Sylvia who posted the previous post!)

Walker said...

Overnight trips are always fun, but you don't have to wait for walk posters to organise them for you. Anyone can plan such a weekend, email details to and someone will post them on the site for you.

One problem can be finding places which have lots of free single rooms on Friday or Saturday nights in August. It is peak holiday time and Friday or Saturday is the night most likely to be booked up. B&Bs and the like often want a commitment to more than one night's stay.

Anonymous said...

Would quite like to do Sole Street.

Anonymous said...

As Summer has finally started with a predicted heatwave this week and next P L E A S E PLEASE can we have some swimming / seaside walks ? Deal, Folkestone, Sandling and anywhere else that's good for a cooling swim basically ? it's time to make the most of the sun..

Anonymous said...

ditto the last suggestion

Anonymous said...

Pulborough to Petworth one Saturday. S oon but not 25 July. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

apparently there's going to be a second heatwave at the end of July / beginning of August. Can someone please post some seaside/swimming walks then ? with a late start if possible ?

David Colver said...

Two or three years ago, I was doing on of the scheduled walks near Eastbourne. There came by the one remaining Vulcan bomber. I'd heard of this plane, but never seen one before. It's an amazing spectacle, and makes a sound worth travelling a long way to hear.

There's a charity dedicated to raising the £4m pa needed to keep it flying. It reports that the technicians with the skills to keep it in the air are in many cases retired, and it's all getting too difficult, for which reason this is the last year one can see the Vulcan other than as a static display. I've booked myself into the Bournemouth air festival to catch one of the last opportunities to see it. Others are listed at, the Eastbourne and Shoreham items in August being potential opportunities for combining with a walk.

David Colver said...

Some video of the Vulcan:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to request Guildford to Gomshall walk 2-13 on a Saturday. It has shorter and longer options.

Poppy said...

A swimming walk would be good this saturday (August 1st). The long man of Wilmington walk ending in Eastbourne would be a good one, if it hasn't been done recently. There is a great ice cream parlour and Spanish restaurant I can recommend in Ebourne.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to request the one that goes to Hildenborough and Tonbridge for mid-to-late September.

Sean said...

I've put up a draft post of Walk #238 (Tunbridge Wells-Hildenborough or Tonbridge) for my next 'Third Walk' slot on Sep 5th. If that's too soon I could put it back to Oct 3rd, or perhaps one of the other posters would oblige by offering a later date in September.

Anonymous said...

Have now done Pulborough to Petworth so you can ignore request (or should that be continue to ignore request).

Mike Powell said...

For information, there are some footpath closures which affect Walk 96, section 2 (Ash Vale Circular). If you intend to schedule this walk please let me know and I'll produce some alternative directions. The order is in place until Jan 2016.

Meanwhile the footpath closure near Ockham Mill which affects Horsley to West Byfleet has been extended to August 2016. How long does it take to replace a foot bridge? 2 1/2 years apparently!

Mike Powell

Unknown said...

Hello - is anyone doing TOCW1 walk 44 - Whitley to haslemere this Saturday.
Travel instructions recommend buying a day return to haslemere nearest to 10.10 - so assume the train leaving at 10.15 from Waterloo is the best one.


Bridie said...

Hi Liz
I am not sure why you have posted your comment above as the walk is posted on
Saturday First Walk Book 1 44 Witley to Haslemere
14.2km (8.8 miles)
2 out of 10
Explorer 133 or Landranger 186
Map here

Take the 10.15am from London Waterloo ( Clapham Junction 10.22 ) to Witley arriving 11.09 .
There are four trains an hour back from Haslemere.
Journey time 50-60 minutes. Buy a day return to Haslemere.
There are likely to be between 10 and 20 walkers on this going by recent numbers

Anonymous said...

This week's Pewsey posting made me think that a Saturday and a Sunday walk in the Pewsey/Avebury area would be nice sometime, not necessarily now. I would book an overnight stay and make a weekend of it.

Natalie (DSQ) said...


I just moved to London from Edinburgh and would love to do the Boston Manor to Osterley walk on perhaps the 11th of October?

I'd also love to do an online piece publicising these city walks, however that's just a perhaps at this point. If I did end up doing this video though I just thought I'd point this out in advance as I'd need to get anyone who comes along's permission.

At this point though I'd just love to do this walk regardless!

Sean said...

Hi Natalie,

These short London walks are only posted as SWC group walks on summer evenings, although you can of course simply follow the map and/or instructions and do the walk with some friends. If you check out our 'This Week's Walks' page, you'll see that the weekend walks are all likely to be full day walks, at least twice as long.

Natalie (DSQ) said...

Ah okay! Thanks for clearing that up.

I would still love to do a walk around the 11th and do a little thing for the internet. Another walk I thought would be cool was the one to Box Hill (and that's not because I heard of it in Emma... :) ) or would that also be to short?

Sean said...

Hi Natalie,

The volunteers who choose the walks each walk should be monitoring this page so you might get your wish. But bear in mind that they might have a particular walk they want to do themselves, requests from fellow walkers to take into consideration, etc. Why not simply check out the walks on offer when they're posted this weekend? It would be surprising if there wasn't at least one which you'd like to try...

Natalie (DSQ) said...

That's what I'll do Sean. I guess I'll have to turn up with my camera and see what happens! ;)

Barbara said...

Hi, I'm just wondering if there's any second walk for Sunday. Many thanks Barbara

Anonymous said...

If it fits in with daylight hours, I'd like to do Tonbridge circular via Hadlow on a Saturday soon. I'd like to see the 13th century murals and Chagall stained glass windows in the churches.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Dent,

Sadly, I won't be able to make it to the Lewes Circular walk on Thurs 5th Nov as I will be working. I had arranged my diary to be free on Wed so am wondering whether you could post the Holmwood to Gomshall walk for Wed 4th Nov. Guess I could do the walk by myself, but I do enjoy the company of Wednesday regular walkers.

Many thanks.

Mike A said...

Holmwood to Gomshall walk for Wed 4th Nov posted as requested - enjoy!

DGA said...

Boxing Day request: Totteridge Circular via 3 Hammers pub Mill Hill. It's inside the Zone and I can recommend the pub. Spacious with varied menu and good choice of drinks. Bus stop right outside with a view of Wembley stadium to boot!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Dent,

I and 6 others plus Max (the dog) had a wonderful day out on the Holmwood to Gomshall walk.

Many, many thanks.

Anonymous said...

how about a seaside walk ?

Peter C said...

Boxing Day Totteridge walk can be posted, but would someone like to check if the PUB is open for lunch? It may be you have to book. If there was no pub, would it put walkers off?

Anonymous said...

We can bring sarnies to Totteridge

Walker said...

Fair enough. Totteridge Circular has been reserved as a Boxing Day walk

Anonymous said...

Can we have some later starting walks this coming weekend please? Admittedly there was a 10.24 one last Saturday but it was a local area one.
At the back end of the year it appears to be a bit harder for some of us older codgers to get up early!!
many thanks

Anonymous said...

PeterC is the boxing day walk the 3 Hammers pub Mill Hill ? will phone and ask them this week..if a cold day then best to have a pub en route..?

Walker said...

Scuse me. Who is PeterC? I am Walker. You are getting us mixed up....

But yes, the answer is yes. The Three Hammers

Anonymous said...

Hello "Walker" that pub is open boxing day

Walker said...

Good to hear. The Totteridge Walk is all set for Boxing Day then. Thanks for checking.

Anonymous said...

Dear walk posters thank you for all your hard work during the year. Much appreciated. Could we please have country walks for 27 and 28 December.

Walker said...

Be assured a full programme of walks will be put on between Christmas and New Year

Marc Ricketts said...

I am just wondering. Is there any good walks along Jaywick, Jaywick Sands and Camber Sands?

Anonymous said...

A walk which will finish before sunset and with Clapham Junction as a calling station on Sunday 27th Dec please.

Anonymous said...

Thanks re-Christmas and New Year walks. However, those of us are still working need to decide which days to take off over the Christmas and New Year weeks. Could we know, in advance, which days walks will be posted. Very many thanks much appreciated.

branchline said...

Thank you to the walk posters for all the hard work and thought behind all the walks. Greatly appreciated.
Will there be a walk on Mon 28th Dec?
A very Happy Christmas to all.

SLR said...

Please could more weekend walks be posted from Books 1 and 2? As a newish member I haven't done most of these yet and find it a bit frustrating to have to print out walk instructions while my shiny new books remain unused. Thank you

Walker said...

The first Saturday walk is usually from book one or two, and book walks are often chosen on Sundays too.

I have sympathy with you for wanting to use your shiny new books, but I have to say that the online versions of the same walks are often better, since they incorporate updates since the books were last revised in 2011. Five years is a long time in the countryside!

Walker said...

Hint for walk posters: did SWC 56 Maidenhead to Marlow on Tuesday. Lovely walk, firm underfoot, MINIMAL MUD.

Anonymous said...

Please would you post a coastal walk for Saturday 27th February - possible Ramsgate to Margate? "I must go down to the sea again"..... Thanks in anticipation, Debra

Anonymous said...

2-13 Guilford to Gomshall via Colekitchen Farm

Anonymous said...

Ockley to Warnham on a Saturday in the next couple of months please.

Anonymous said...

Re Ockley to Warnham, I've just seen the comment on the walk web page about it being really muddy at the moment so this walk might be better done in drier times.

Fi said...

Any plans for a walk on good Friday?

Josefine said...

Hello Andrew and everyone organising this site,
Just to say you do a brilliant and completely professional job with this website and I love it!
I am sure many, many people love and appreciate what you and your team do.
It adds a wonderful quality to people's lives. That is what the walks meant to me when I went on them every week or almost every week, especially after Nicholas died.
But I got out of the routine. There are so many things to do and I still work some weekends.

I just looked at the website and am so impressed! It is fantastic!
I am sorry I have not come on walks for years. I am no longer directly involved with the Natural Death Centre, but I do fundraising for them, hold Natural Death Salons at my house and have organised the annual Poetry Challenge. I am a Patron of the NDC now, it is an honorary position. I am so glad the NDC gets much needed support from the walkers! A big thank you for that!

I have been talking with a couple of friends and former Saturday Walkers who walked with Nicholas and me in the '90s to come on a walk. I want do a Haslemere Round walk in May. I will definitely buy you a drink if you or other organisers are on that walk. It should be part of the routine on Saturday Walks, don't you think so?

My best wishes to you, and to all the walkers who remember Nicholas and me.
Hats off to you for a brilliant job to keep this going! Nicholas would be so very proud of what you are doing! I am very proud and very happy about it! THANK YOU!

The Natural Death Centre will be 25 years old on 14 April this year. I am holding a small fundraising event with Rosie of the NDC as a speaker and others to talk about the massive movement and changes that have occurred with help of the NDC since we started. This is a Natural Death Salon NW2 at my house on Sunday 19 June.
If anyone were interested in coming to this or other Natural Death Salons I hold, they are most welcome to contact me. I also host Death Cafes at La Brioche in West Hampstead. There is one on Monday 21 March.

The Saturday Walkers Club must have a 20th anniversary coming up in a couple of years! I hope it continues for a very long time!

All good wishes,


Anonymous said...

Milford - Haslemere. It has sandy heathlands. Saturday preferably but Sunday would also do.

Anonymous said...

can we have SWC Walk 80 Staplehurst to Headcorn in about 3 weeks time on a Saturday or Sunday with a post 10am start please ?

Mike said...

Walk 96 is still affected by a short path closure so I have put an alternative on the website. It has both more concrete and more mud but it's the best I can do!

Any plans to schedule 160 (Farnham/Blackwater) this year? The short version has been walked several times but the full walk I believe was only walked once in June 14 when I was on holiday. There were some issues with people going astray but the feedback I got wasn't much use. I'm quite happy to look after people if we can agree a date!

Mike Powell

Anonymous said...

Sunday 1 May (Bank Hol Weekend) 4 SWC walkers plan to walk the Seven Sisters. It would be great if this could be posted as an official walk, so that many more Comrades can join us.

Sean said...

Sun 1 May, Seaford to Eastbourne it is. Engineering works at Victoria so will be 0945 train from London Bridge.

Anonymous said...

Please could we have some nice, classic walks for the weekends of 21st/22nd and 28th/29th for those of us that are not going on the Scotland trip?

Anonymous said...

Hello. Can I please request Glynde to Seaford on Saturday 21st May, my birthday. At least three SWC regulars are planning to go and we would be happy for other walkers to join us.

Anonymous said...

Can we have another outing for the recently completed Wadhurst Circular via Bewl Water Book 3* Walk 5 online walk please ?

This walk sounds so nice it deserves to be done twice !

after 10am if possible please.

Mike A said...

I try to post different walks for most mid-week walks, but yes, I'll probably post again (for a mid-week walk) September time.
In the mean time, I'm sure one of our Saturday/Sunday posters will pick up your request and may be able to schedule a repeat in the near future.

Anonymous said...

As no second walk has been posted for this Sunday would it be too late to post either Petersfield to Rowlands Castle, or Bures to Wakes Colne?

Anonymous said...

Henley is a splendid spot, but I wonder if it isn't outfoxing the algorithm that spreads the walks around the region.

14 May 16 Henley via Pangbourne
17 Apr 16 Henley via Stonor Circular, with Stonor short cut
16 Mar 16 Shiplake to Henley
20 Feb 16 Henley to Marlow
1 Jan 16 Henley Circular
19 Dec 15 Shiplake to Henley, with shorter start via High Wood
12 Dec 15 Henley to Marlow
24 Oct 15 Henley via Stonor Circular
11 Oct 15 Henley via Hambleden Circular

There's a better than 25% chance that one of a given weekend's walk slots will be occupied by a perambulation that starts or finishes in this particular town.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it would be possible to assign a generic walk number (e.g 901) for walks in Ullapool so that the folks up there can post a few photos on Flickr as they perform daring do's?
Those sauth of Watford could then marvel at the scenery and escapades of those intrepid walkers enjoying the Highlands.

Andrew said...

how about
swcwalks ullapool

Anonymous said...

Sounds good!
Can/have the Webmasters set this up?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that it is summertime and daylight until 9 o'clock. Tring? Oxted? Stonegate? Really? Can we please have some summer walks further out of London in the deep and a glorious English countryside. It's looking at its best at the moment. What are we waiting for? Too zoned into zone 6 IMO. Thanks!

Fi said...

In the summer a walk taking in
the lavender fields on a Sunday please.

MoonBrain said...

I, too, would be interested in a Sunday summer walk in Lavender fields.

Thomas G said...

SWC Walk 233 : Arlesey to Letchworth Garden City ticks the lavender box, of course, with Cadwell Farm/Hitchin Lavender walked through near the end, and their barn Cafe passed...

Mike A said...

I vaguely remember that there might be a new lavender plantation on the Sevenoaks circular (Walk 21).
I think this was on the stretch between Ightham Mote and the Padwell Arms.

MoonBrain said...

For those who are interested ( or wish to avoid ) such things, Oxted will be having a beer and music festival in July.

Anonymous said...

Can we have Kingham to Charlebury please for the second Sunday walk on 26 June, with early train ie 9 something so we can have a leisurely walk and eat/book lunch at the Swan. Thanks!

Sean said...

Re the Kingham-Charlbury walk, there's a bus replacement service on 26 June because of engineering work between Reading and Oxford, with journey times around 2½ hours each way. Too long. If you're happy with an alternative date, please suggest it and perhaps one of the other Sunday volunteers will oblige. As it happens I've already written a walk post for an Amberley/Arundel walk on June 26 and I'll probably stick with that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sean. Well spotted.

Saturdsy posters: Can we please have Kingham to Charlbury on 23rd July. Specifying the 9.21 train, leisurely pace, and lunch at the Swan Inn. Many thanks

Anonymous said...

Hitchin circular please. Preferably on a Saturday.

Thomas G said...

Hitchin Circ was scheduled for 3 July, last time I checked the draft posts...

Anonymous said...

Saturday 17 September 2016 - SWC Walk 51 - Sandling to Folkestone please.

Anonymous said...

Whyteleafe to Hayes and the White Bear pub. Prefer a Saturday in July,

Anonymous said...

Can we please have repeat of the Christchurch to Henistbury Head walk on Sat 20th August as some of us couldn't make it on 23rd July and also to take advantage of the SW trains special offer?

Many thanks.

Walker said...

Is there a reason why you have asked for Sandling to Folkestone on 17 September, rather than any other day? Stargazer has already chosen Hastings to Rye for that day, and it would not make sense to have two swimming/seaside walks on the same day. But Sandling to Folkestone could be done earlier.

Marc Ricketts said...

I am just wondering. What dates are you doing the walk from Walton on Naze to Clacton?

Anonymous said...

one vote for doing Sandling to Folkestone earlier please plus any other seaside walks - Dover to Deal, Folkestone circular, any lovely Hastings walks or anything else NOT involving seven sisters. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Braknksome to Swanage before winter please

Anonymous said...

Hi, apologies, I didn't see the query re Sandling to Folkestone. No objection to a change of date, purely superficial reason, Etype Jag rally!!! Debra

Anonymous said...

SWC 73 Branksome to Swanage before winter and preferably while cheap train fare offer is available. Please!

Bridie said...

Hi Posters
I have a friend visiting on Saturday 17 September and she has arthritis in her hips.
Could one of you post an easy walk of 1/2/3 out of 10 and say 10 miles ish please
Thanks for all the walks

Anonymous said...

May I request a mid-week walk taking advantage of the SW trains offer before it expires?

Many thanks

Anonymous said...

hello Mr Dent,

I'm looking forward to walking this coming Wed. Is there going to be a posted walk ?


Anonymous said...

Redbridge Council have posted an "epic" walk on Sunday 11th September see Epping Forest Centenary Walk
Not sure how this would fit in with the Sunday Posters ? but mentioned just in case they might like to mention it

Marc Ricketts said...

Talking about walks. Apart from you do a walk from Walton on Naze to Clacton on Sea. What about in Jaywick, Little Clacton, St Oysths, Brightlingsea and those other places nearby.

Sean said...

Marc: use the Search box on the SWC site. If you type in Jaywick you'll find a walk in this area.

Kelda said...

Whilst I fully appreciate that weather and trains can impact planned walks at short notice, It would be really helpful to have a little more forward visibility of upcoming walks. Would it be possible to see what walk-posters are considering a month in advance? (obviously with the caveat of possible changes) Thank you!

Walker said...

Speaking personally I don't actually plan ahead. I prefer to be spontaneous and pick a walk based on likely weather and other conditions (RMT strikes, last minute requests) etc.

Some posters do put up firm advance posts (see bottom of This Week listing) and some do indicate possible future posts on the blog (which the rest of you do not see - only posters). Whether they would a) like to have these drafts made public or b) it could be done in such a way that does not cause confusion, I do not know. Eg, even if a walk is indicated as a possible for several weeks time, posters can and do change their minds for various reasons. Is there any point in giving a forward indication of something, only to find the walk has not after all been posted? Would we then not get complaints that "you said this walk was going to happen, I planned a weekend away around it, and now you have moved it?"

Anonymous said...

can you do the Battle circular again please say in couple of months? late start if poss. thanks

Andrew said...

TOCW1.20 (Milford - Godalming), with a detour to Hydon's Ball (a hill top), which was given to the NT in memory of 1 of its 3 co-founders, Octavia Hill, a social reformer who campaigned for the preservation of both urban and rural countryside.
It may make the walk too long for winter though, so may have to wait for spring.

Anonymous said...

I have a general request for walk postings. Would it be possible to post Sunday walks from the books a little more frequently than they currently are? Not a lot more, but maybe one more every 4-6 weeks? It seems that more often than not it is one of the internet walks, which are equally as good as the book walks, but not having access to a printer, and having been the sole walker before makes me hesitant to join these walks. I understand it is lot of work trying to make everyone happy, and many of the long term members are a little tired of these well trodden walks. I would greatly appreciate it if a few more book walks could be posted on Sundays, and I am grateful that the time is taken to do all the leg work to post any walks in the first place.
Many thanks

Eliz said...

I would like to add an event for 25th november .this is a lunch-time concert given by myself and a violinist friend.Could you please advise how to put this onto to the site.It is a free event.thanks, eliz parker

Chris L said...

We have tickets for an evening show in Ashford (Kent) on Saturday 26th November and would appreciate doing a walk in that general vicinity that day if any walk poster is minded to choose one. Thanks.

Andrew said...

Elizabeth - just let us know the details, either post them here, email us, or ask one of the Bloggers

Eliz said...

Invite to a free lunchtime concert on Friday 25th November 12.30 -13.10 at st George's church Beckenham. The closest station is Beckenham Junction - this is just a few minutes walk from the church. The programme is Hoffmeister duo for violin and cello ( this is a very tuneful piece, rather like mozart) and Ravel duo for violin and cello. Cellist is Eliz parker ( a saturday walker) and violinist Stephen Stewart.
You are invited back to my house for some nibbles!

Anonymous said...

Can we please have the Didcot Circular on the weekend and post 10am start please BEFORE the winter is out? the write up sounds so lovely and walk ideal for a crisp cold sunny winter day.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to request Wendons Ambo Circular on a Saturday.
Thank you

Andrew said...

Can I make a request for my birthday on Sat 17th June, when I reach a figure more commonly associated with tins of soup or baked beans or various other varieties? How about No 180, Southbourne to Emsworth?

For information, the section of canal towpath South of Ash Vale station has eroded and is currently closed. It affects my Ash Circular (but not Ash Vale to Worplesdon). If you want to post this over one of the imminent BHs, let me know and I'll come up with some alternative directions!

All the best.

Mike Powell [email address removed]

tartanrug said...

Ham Street to Appledore one Wednesday or Thursday please, at a relaxed pace, with a long lunch in this pub which was the best pub SWC ate in last year. IMHO.

The lunch monitor

tartanrug said...

Hamstreet to Appledore

Not Wednesday 31st May or Thursday first June please thanks.

MoonBrain said...

Perhaps the Balcombe Circular or Balcombe to East Grinstead could be posted to coincide with the Wild wood weekend at Wakehurst - 27 May to 29 May 2017, 10am to 5pm

Anonymous said...

Tamworth Circular on a Saturday/Sunday in June 2017, please. Thanks.

Marc Ricketts said...

What date will you be planning the Walk from Walton on Naze to Clacton or Jaywick Sands?

Anonymous said...

Can we have Ashurst Circular Walk sometime late start please?
Winnie the Pooh country! thanks

Marc Ricketts said...

As you do some Walks in Essex. Why not plan a New Walk to Brightlingsea, Thorrington, St Osyths and Little Clacton in the future?

Marc Ricketts said...

As you do some Walks in Essex. Why not plan a New Walk to Brightlingsea, Thorrington, St Osyths and Little Clacton in the future?

MoonBrain said...

Could a walk be posted to coincide with the Carshalton Lavender Fields harvest event on July 29th?

Many thanks,

Sean said...

MoonBrain: The Capital Walkers (a Ramblers group) are doing an 8 mile walk to the Mayfield Lavender Fields in Carshalton on that date. Starts Chipstead Stn at 10am and finishes at Carshalton Beeches.

Anonymous said...

Could I please request a Kent or Surrey walk for this Saturday 26th, something not too far from London eg Sole Street, Tonbridge or Guildford areas?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wonderful variety of walks from Boxing Day til the 1st. Could there be a walk on the 3rd, please, the Wednesday?

Thomas G said...

There wil be.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thomas.

Anonymous said...

Can I suggest the Farnham circular walk as it has quite a few sandy paths and tends not to be muddy even in wet winter conditions.

MoonBrain said...

Wrotham Classic Car and Steam Rally takes place on Sunday 1 July 2018 which might be of interest as it is at the start of the Borough Green to Sevenoaks walk (SWC 36).
There is an entry fee for the rally (Adult £8, Senior Citizen £6, Child, £3) but if you are willing to buy a ticket in advance, Groupon offer a discount (Adult £6.50, Senior Citizen £4.50, Child £2.50) which can be purchased from here

MoonBrain said...

There is a total Lunar eclipse on Friday 27 July.
Perhaps an evening walk could be arranged to coincide, at a location which would give a view of the event? Hopefully we would get clear skies!

Walker said...

9.21, very low in the south east. You would be getting into last train territory, but a walk ending in Folkestone or Eastbourne might work

Anonymous said...

Could we have a lavender fields walk this summer please. I notice Moonbrain gave some info below on suggested lavender walks below for last year

Marc Ricketts said...

I am just wondering. What Date will somebody be planning from Walton on Naze to Clacton on Sea or Jaywick?

Sean said...

Re: Lavender walks. There are draft posts of two walks going past Castle Farm in the Darent valley, on Sun 17 June and Sat 7 July. Trains permitting, of course.

Hopefully some lavender walks north of London (Letchworth?) will appear in due course.

Sean said...

Update on lavender walks. As feared, engineering works have scuppered the proposed Darent valley walk on Sun 17 June. The walk on Sat 7 July is still on, for now...

Anonymous said...

Any chance of a seaside walk on either Wed 22 Aug or Sunday 26 Aug 2018?

Andrew said...

our google app usage has jumped from £0 to £200 a month due to google maps price changes. I've switched it off for now while I investigate. some things won't work...

Andrew said...

OK. Not as scary as I first thought.

Under the new system for Google Map APIs, the prices have gone up, but we get 200 US$ credit per month.

This must have just run out at the end of the month, which triggered a billing alert when our outstanding (monthly) bill went over £20.

It shouldn't be too hard to tweak things down a bit so we remain under the limit.

Andrew said...

As an aside, Blogger (which TWW uses), mostly isn't billable.

Anonymous said...

How about a shady woodland walk around Farnham?

Anonymous said...

Always grateful to all the walk posters for the effort they put in to the website for our walks. The trend of posting in advance is very welcome. Would it be possible to know any option for the Monday bank holiday?

Anonymous said...

Greenford to Osterley one autumnal or Winter weekend ? it is near to London and not a long route

Anonymous said...

Holmwood to Shamley Green please one Wednesday before clock change Please

Thomas G said...

Holmwood - Shamley Green just had an outing in August, on a Saturday. Not likely...

Anonymous said...

This year's Snowdrop teas will be held in St. Mary's Church, Radnage (Saunderton via Bledlow) on Saturday 9th and Saturday 16th February.
The snowdrops can't be guaranteed, but the quality of the tea and cakes surely can.
Please note the change from previous years when they were held on Sunday afternoons.

Anonymous said...

Time of snowdrop teas 2 to 4pm.

Mike said...

Can I request one or two of the following walks in the spring please? Walks 229/230/231/232 (all in the Flitwick area). Walk 195: Cheddingtom to Leighton Buzzard.
Good dates are: 23rd Feb, 9th or 16th March, 13th, 20th or 27th April (all Sats).
Thanks. Mike.
Powell underscore michaelc at sky dot com

Mike said...

Thanks for scheduling the Harlington walk on Saturday, a good day all round. Claire expressed an interest in posting one of the other Flitwick walks, could someone remind her? I see I've misread my diary though, I am away 9th to 16th March, but after that could do 23rd, 30th or 13th April, or any Weds except 13/3. I'm also up for the Huntingdon circular some time!

Anonymous said...

A little rhyme to request
A walk that is amongst the best
Near Hever, Penshurst or Leigh
One Saturday, soon, while the ground is dry
This gentle, scenic corner of Kent
Where many a happy day has been spent
Never fails to disappoint
And is quite gentle on the joints!

Anonymous said...

Hi. A Hampshire walk for next Saturday, the 30th of March, please. Thank you.

Thomas G said...

what's wrong with rowlands castle? it's in hampshire, and the walk post has been up for about a week...

Anonymous said...

Good point, Thomas. Apologies - I misread the post.

Anonymous said...

I missed the Flitwick walk a couple of saturdays ago. I notice that there is only one walk posted so far for Saturday 6/4. It would be great if a walk going from St Pancras or Kings Cross could be posted - on purely selfish grounds, I need to be in Bedford that night, plus I haven't walked round there much recently. Thank you! (and thanks to all the posters generally!)

MoonBrain said...

I would like to request the Witley to Haslemere walk (CW1/44) to be scheduled for the 16th June centre to coincide with the Lockwood Equine Centre's "One Big Fun Day/Tack Sale".

RSPCA Lockwood Equine Centre - "One Big Fun Day/Tack Sale"

MoonBrain said...

Nunhead Cemetery has an Open Day on Sat 18th May. Could the Nunhead, Honor Oak, and Peckham Rye walk (Short Walk #41) be posted to coincide with it?
Thank you.

Nunhead Cemetery Open Day 2019


Anonymous said...

Hello! I would like to request the Crowhurst to Battle walk from Book 1. I don't have a particular date in mind, except on a weekend, but I would like to walk it with the group some time this summer. Plus, it hasn't had a weekend outing since 2016!

Thanks very much!


MoonBrain said...

The annual Jevington Village Fete will be on
Saturday 15 June from 1pm to 5pm, £2 entry
More details can be found via the link below:

Anonymous said...

This week's walks: Two walks within a stone's throw of each other on the south coast, but again nothing west of London. Posters please would you try to avoid such unequal distribution of walks and let us have some westerly walks in future.

Anonymous said...

Mr M. Tiger you will be pleased to know that the Sandwich Folk & Ale Festival is taking place on 5-7 July.
I'm sure some people in the group will be interested in the folk, perhaps even the ale.

Mr M Tiger said...

Sorry Anonymous - missed your comment I forgot about Sandwich till the day itself. Will try harder next year.

Anonymous said...

Hello walk posters! I would like to request the TOCW1.34 Balcombe to East Grinsted walk. I don't have a specific day, except not the weekend of Aug 17th/18th as I will be unable to walk that weekend. But I hope there'll be space for that one in the upcoming months!

Thanks for all of your hard work. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi. Network Card-friendly walk for Wednesday the 14th, please i.e departure train time when card can be used. Thank you -)

Mr M Tiger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr M Tiger said...

I have Balcombe to East Grinstead pencilled in for Sunday Oct 20th. If you want it any sooner, you'll have to sweet-talk one of the other posters.

MoonBrain said...

Is this something the SWC can take advantage of?
TfL are offering a month of free travel on the Overground on the Gospel Oak to Barking line as an apology for the delay and disruption while it was being electrified. The offer is from 31 Aug to 1 Oct.

Free travel overground gospel oak to barking

Things to do on the Overground between Gospel Oak to Barking

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr M Tiger! Oct 20th is perfect! I look forward to the walk :)


Anonymous said...

Walk request - Yalding to Harrietsham. Saturday 5th October. Should be plenty of apples and more. Thank you.

Mike P said...

Can I request either (or both) of the following please?
195 Cheddington to Leighton Buzzard
237 Lidlington to Flitwick

Good dates would be:
Sat 26th October
Sat 2nd or 9th November

Anonymous said...

Walk request for Wednesday 23rd:a Tring or Berkhamsted or Wendover walk, please. Thank you.

Marc Ricketts said...

What about Kelvedon Circular?

Anonymous said...

Will Mike be posting any more of his short walks?
Happy to repeat any of those from earlier in the year.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to request Tadworth Circular walk #139 on a Saturday (or Sunday if Saturday is not possible). It's in zone 6 and there are options for shorter or longer versions.

Anonymous said...

Regarding my above request for Tadworth, I forgot to say could this NOT be on the weekend of 23/11 please but any other weekend. Thank you.

Mr M Tiger said...

I have Tadworth drafted for Sundaythe 15th Dec (trains etc permitting) so far they look OK

Anonymous said...

Hi. Tring to Wendover, or Wendover Circular, on the 18th of December, please, or a Saturday in mid or late December. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mr. Tiger

Anonymous said...

Could we have Cheshunt circular short walk posted on any date except Sunday 15th December? It’s short, easily reachable and It has quite a few firm paths so should work well at the moment despite the short days, train strikes and mud.

Anonymous said...

Walk request for 23rd of December, please. Not too far from London. Thank you, Sean, or A. N Other.

Anonymous said...

Chipstead walk in Dec or Jan, pls. Ta

Anonymous said...

Just wondered if possible/appropriate to have a Balcombe to East Grinstead walk ?
Wakehurst place is 3 miles into the walk and has 'Glow wild' lantern exhib. ENDING 22nd December!

Anonymous said...

Could there be a Boxing Day countryside walk option, please, longer than 7 miles? Calories will need to be burned.Gracias.

Anonymous said...

Are there any walks which pass All Saints’ Tudeley church in Kent please?

Sean said...

Extra Walk 220 (Tonbridge Circular via Tudeley) passes the church with the Chagall windows.

[The Search box in the top right-hand corner seems to be overlooked - typing Tudeley into it would have found this.]

Anonymous said...

Long shot but can a walk link up with some wassailing events at the end please? could be fun😊

Anonymous said...

Wassailing?? You want some festive drinking at the end of an SWC group walk?

A cursory study of the Walk Reports should reveal the type of walk where the production of a bottle or two of red on the train back leads to some outrageous behaviour. No-one will confirm it, but I suspect the length and solidity of the recent SWR strike was in no small part due to the wassailing at the end of some SWC west country walks.

Even the urban Sunday walks are not immune from this type of exuberant activity. Luckily, I don't think the Forest Hill Neighbourhood Watch will be able to track down S*a and the Peppermints...

MoonBrain said...

A request for walks to coincide with the stargazing
events which are part of the
South Downs Dark Skies Festival 2020 in February.

Anonymous said...

A walk around the Winter Lights Festival in Canary Wharf please.
Karen very kindly led us last year,
and it was delightful.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Blackheath to CW is already scheduled for that very purpose

Anonymous said...

Wassailing: I meant dancing round fruit trees and blessing them probably including Morris dancers..defo the season for it and is carried out in some country villages!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to request a walk in Kent or Surrey on Wednesday 5th February, not too far from London.
I don't mind where but as a suggestion, the Sole Street circular hasn't been done for a while.

Mike said...

Last time I made a request nobody else showed up! Can I request either (or both) of the following please?
31 Huntingdon circular
237 Lidlington to Flitwick
Re. Huntingdon, I would be dependant on a once a day bus, so if you could make it a start about 10-10.15 that would be great.
Possible dates are 22nd or 29th Feb, 21st or 28th March.

Thomas G said...

Well, Dear Sir, I happen to have slots on all those 4 Saturdays you mention. So, trust SWC 232 (not 237) Lidlington - Flitwick to feature on one of them. And me to be on the walk...

Anonymous said...

Saturday Tring to Wendover please in Febuary or March. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Can you please post Guildford to Gomshall walk via st Martha's church in a couple of weeks please? Apologies if it's been done recently.thanksπŸ‘πŸ‘

Anonymous said...

North Downs or South Downs walk for Wednesday 19th of February. At least 10m.Gracias amigo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sean, am the requester for Guildford to gomshall via the church, have now broken ankle so please postpone (repost) that walk for at least 6 weeks if that possible please? Thanku!

Sean said...

Sorry to hear about your broken ankle, Anonymous. I wasn't planning to re-post this walk soon as some people did turn out for it last Saturday, despite the weather. In any case we have hundreds of other walks to choose from and I prefer to pick walks which haven't been posted for a while. But one of my colleagues told me that he was considering posting it in the bluebell season (April/May), so you might get your wish. [Sean]

Anonymous said...

Okay thanks Sean πŸ‘

Daisy Roots said...

This is more a suggestion than a request but how about this walk one Saturday? If I remember right, the morning paths are largely firm underfoot and there are sandy soils in the afternoon. Walk 1-12 as far as The Donkey in Charleshill, then changing to Walk 2-12 from the Donkey back to Farnham. 16.2km (10.1 miles).

Mike P said...

Can I request Walk 351 Harpenden to St Albans for Sat 27/6 or 4/7? This is a new one which was posted for March but had to be cancelled.

I'm also wondering if it might be a good time to post my new Walk 356. This is a very long one but I'm guessing that some people are chomping at the bit and if the pubs are closed there is less temptation to linger over lunch. I have some updates to make which should shave 1-6k off the distance. Forestry England say the cafe in Salcey Forest is open for takeaways.

Thomas G said...

Hi Mike, request noted. A word of caution: although it seems that consensus amongst the people who went on the weekend's walks is that everything went well (with a few minor refinements still possible), we also seem to agree that we can only keep posting walks if and when that meetup feed is disabled. So we'll have to just wait and see.

Thomas G said...

Mike, I have put a draft placeholder up for 4 July for H'den - Albans...

Anonymous said...

Any of the wonderful Tisbury walks on a July Saturday, please. Thank you.

Thomas G said...

Ta. 11 July, that is the plan anyway, for Tisbury.

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